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Making the decision to place your mother in hospice care is a difficult one. When you have questions, turn to the experienced team at Suncrest Home Health and Hospice of Chicago for answers.

hospice careDifficulties Faced by the “Sandwich Generation”

Dealing with your mom’s illness and subsequent diagnosis has likely been painful and upsetting for you and your family members. We think of our moms as the people who take care of us, but when they get sick and need our help, the role reversal can be jarring.

The social workers at Suncrest Home Health & Hospice have worked with many adult children who have placed their moms in hospice. While the decision is never easy, we help each family consider their individual circumstances.

Some adult children are also taking care of their own young children at home. This segment of the population — known as the “sandwich generation” — becomes responsible for the care of both their children and their parents. These responsibilities can quickly become exhausting, threatening the health of the caregivers.

Only children, or children whose siblings are not involved in their mom’s care, can quickly become overwhelmed. They may need to manage care for other adults in the house as well, who may also be ailing or suffering with exhaustion or grief issues.

Placing your mom in hospice care gives you — and your dad or her partner — a much-needed helping hand.

Assistance from Our Caring Staff

Many children of mothers who enter hospice care suffer guilt for their choice, believing that if they were good enough, strong enough, etc., that they would be able to care for their dying parent at home.

Our professional staff counsels these sons and daughters, helping them to realize that many times what they wish they could do simply is not possible, and not their fault.

Caregivers of ill adults and small children can easily and quickly get burned out. At Suncrest Home Health and Hospice, we subscribe to the oxygen mask theory — that you must be healthy and well-rested in order to give care.

Whether you choose hospice care at home or in a facility for your mom, the care that she receives will relieve you of a significant part of the burden you have been carrying and return to you the energy, love and patience you need to spend quality time with your mom in her last days and weeks.

Help from Hospice Nurses

Our hospice nurses, working together with our social workers and your mom’s doctors, will carefully evaluate your mom’s situation and make our best recommendations to you. Our clients trust our expertise and experience, and it brings them comfort and relief.

To learn more about hospice care in Chicago at Suncrest Home Health and Hospice, contact us today.