Our Mission in Hospice Care

Providing the Highest Quality of Care to Our Patients, Their Families, & Our Referring Sources.

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From Suncrest to Sunset

Advancing from this life to the next should be a dignified and comfortable experience. Our team is committed to providing exceptional patient care while offering family members any necessary support.

Whatever you need, Suncrest is here to help.

About Hospice

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Join Our Suncrest Family

We support each other while making differences in our patients’ lives

The Suncrest Difference

Learn more about what makes Suncrest different.

The Suncrest Care Team

The Suncrest team is dedicated to bringing hospice services that aid a patient in their final days directly to the patients. Our hospice care team consists of physicians, nurses, aides, social workers, therapists, and spiritual advisors. We are all committed to honoring the patient’s wishes in their final days, making them comfortable as they prepare to move on from this life and providing support to their family members.

Specialized Therapist

Music, Animal, and Massage*

Social Worker

Certified Nurse’s Aide

Home Health Aide (California and Oklahoma)


Spiritual Advisor

Registered Nurse

Case Manager


We Visit More!

With lower caseloads, our care team can visit our patients more, allowing them to spend more time providing care and forming a genuine bond. 

Peace of Mind

Hospice care helps bring peace and comfort to patients and their families, allowing family members to return to their roles as wives, husbands, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters without having to worry about also being a caregiver. Let Suncrest take over providing care so you can focus on spending time with your loved one, just as a loved one.

Words cannot really show our appreciation and our thankfulness that Suncrest was there to take care of our Dad, Husband, and Grandpa. They were so good with Dad and he looked forward to having them come with their cheerful attitudes and professionalism. Their compassion and their gift of caring was evident every time a team member visited. With lots of love.

The Family of Morrie Van Sickle

I’m flooded with tears of appreciation… deep un-equaled appreciation! The memories of your genuinely kind, smiling, caring faces… Your very well-timed words of thoughtfulness, assurance, and support. You all earned our trust from day one. You stepped in and removed our burden of confusion. You provided calm and structure to me, my husband, and our family. We thank you for your mainly inherit and also learned skills of caring, kindness, calm, patience, listening, hearing, seeing, intuition, wisdom, expertise, heart, and courage to step up and step in!

Linda and Rick House and Family

Who do you want with you at the most difficult time in your life? The one word answer is Suncrest. Our Suncrest nurse was a paragon of peace and understanding. I can’t begin to describe how useful and humane this team was during the last ten days of my mom’s life and how much comfort they brought us. I am so grateful to have had their steady hand and open hearts for the end game and the soft landing after a bumpy ride. You guys are nothing short of amazing!

An Illinois Family

I was brushing the hair of a patient and her son was sitting beside her bed. He asked me ‘What made you want to work for hospice?’ I quickly explained that while we can’t change the outcome, we can change the experience. He nodded his head and said ‘yes’. I’m grateful to Suncrest that they not only allow but encourage us not to hurry through visits. They let us take time to hold hands, listen to their stories, and share a couple of smiles

Hollie ButlerSuncrest Nurse
Patient services are provided without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex (an individual’s sex, gender identity, sex stereotyping, pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions) , sexual orientation, disability (mental or physical), communicable disease, or national origin.